# Standard Python modules
import copy
# External modules
import numpy as np
# Local modules
from .pyOpt_optimization import Optimization
class Solution(Optimization):
def __init__(self, optProb, xStar, fStar, lambdaStar, optInform, info):
This class is used to describe the solution of an optimization
problem. This class inherits from Optimization which enables a
solution to be used as an input to a subsequent optimization problem.
optProb : Optimization problem class
Optimization problem used to create solution
xStar : dict
The final design variables
fStar : dict
The final objective(s)
lambdaStar : dict
The final Lagrange multipliers
optInform : int
The inform code returned by the optimizer
info : dict
A dictionary containing timing and call counter info to be stored
in the Solution object.
super().__init__(optProb.name, None)
# Copy over the variables, constraints, and objectives
self.variables = copy.deepcopy(optProb.variables)
self.constraints = copy.deepcopy(optProb.constraints)
self.objectives = copy.deepcopy(optProb.objectives)
xopt = optProb._mapXtoOpt(optProb.processXtoVec(xStar))
# Now set the x-values:
i = 0
for dvGroup in self.variables.keys():
for var in self.variables[dvGroup]:
var.value = xopt[i]
i += 1
# Now set the f-values
if isinstance(fStar, np.ndarray) and len(fStar) == 1:
self.objectives[list(self.objectives.keys())[0]].value = fStar.item()
fStar = fStar.item()
for f_name, f in self.objectives.items():
f.value = fStar[f_name]
self.optTime = info["optTime"]
self.userObjTime = info["userObjTime"]
self.userSensTime = info["userSensTime"]
self.userObjCalls = info["userObjCalls"]
self.userSensCalls = info["userSensCalls"]
self.interfaceTime = info["interfaceTime"]
self.optCodeTime = info["optCodeTime"]
self.optInform = optInform
self.fStar = fStar
self.xStar = xStar
self.lambdaStar = lambdaStar
def __str__(self) -> str:
Print Structured Solution
text0 = self.summary_str(minimal_print=False, print_multipliers=True)
text1 = ""
lines = text0.split("\n")
lines[1] = lines[1][len("Optimization Problem -- ") :]
for i in range(5):
text1 += lines[i] + "\n"
text1 += "\n Solution: \n"
text1 += ("-" * 80) + "\n"
text1 += f" Total Time: {self.optTime:25.4f}\n"
text1 += f" User Objective Time : {self.userObjTime:10.4f}\n"
text1 += f" User Sensitivity Time : {self.userSensTime:10.4f}\n"
text1 += f" Interface Time : {self.interfaceTime:10.4f}\n"
text1 += f" Opt Solver Time: {self.optCodeTime:10.4f}\n"
text1 += f" Calls to Objective Function : {self.userObjCalls:7}\n"
text1 += f" Calls to Sens Function : {self.userSensCalls:7}\n"
for i in range(5, len(lines)):
text1 += lines[i] + "\n"
inform_val = self.optInform["value"]
inform_text = self.optInform["text"]
text1 += "\n"
text1 += " Exit Status\n"
text1 += " Inform Description\n"
text1 += f" {inform_val:>6} {inform_text:<0}\n"
text1 += ("-" * 80) + "\n"
return text1