Source code for pyoptsparse.pyOpt_history

# Standard Python modules
from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import os

# External modules
import numpy as np
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict

# Local modules
from .pyOpt_error import Error, pyOptSparseWarning
from .pyOpt_utils import EPS

[docs] class History: def __init__(self, fileName, optProb=None, temp=False, flag="r"): """ This class is essentially a thin wrapper around a SqliteDict dictionary to facilitate operations with pyOptSparse Parameters ---------- fileName : str File name for history file optProb : pyOpt_Optimization The optimization object temp : bool Flag to signify that the file should be deleted after it is closed flag : str String specifying the mode. Similar to what was used in shelve. ``n`` for a new database and ``r`` to read an existing one. """ self.flag = flag if self.flag == "n": # If writing, we expliclty remove the file to # prevent old keys from "polluting" the new histrory if os.path.exists(fileName): os.remove(fileName) self.db = SqliteDict(fileName) self.optProb = optProb elif self.flag == "r": if os.path.exists(fileName): # we cast the db to OrderedDict so we do not have to # manually close the underlying db at the end self.db = OrderedDict(SqliteDict(fileName)) else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"The requested history file {fileName} to open in read-only mode does not exist." ) self._processDB() else: raise Error("The flag argument to History must be 'r' or 'n'.") self.temp = temp self.fileName = fileName
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the underlying database. This should only be used in write mode. In read mode, we close the db during initialization. """ if self.flag == "n": self.db.close() if self.temp: os.remove(self.fileName)
[docs] def write(self, callCounter, data): """ This is the main to write data. Basically, we just pass in the callCounter, the integer forming the key, and a dictionary which will be written to the key Parameters ---------- callCounter : int the callCounter to write to data : dict the dictionary corresponding to the callCounter """ # String key to database on disk key = str(callCounter) # if the point exists, we merely update with new data if self.pointExists(callCounter): oldData = oldData.update(data) self.db[key] = oldData else: self.db[key] = data self.db["last"] = key self.db.sync() self.keys = list(self.db.keys())
[docs] def writeData(self, key, data): """ Write arbitrary `key:data` value to db. Parameters ---------- key : str The key to be added to the history file data The data corresponding to the key. It can be anything as long as it is serializable in `sqlitedict`. """ self.db[key] = data self.db.commit() self.keys = list(self.db.keys())
[docs] def pointExists(self, callCounter): """ Determine if callCounter is in the database Parameters ---------- callCounter : int or str of int Returns ------- bool True if the callCounter exists in the history file. False otherwise. """ if isinstance(callCounter, int): callCounter = str(callCounter) return callCounter in self.keys
[docs] def read(self, key): """ Read data for an arbitrary key. Returns None if key is not found. If passing in a callCounter, it should be verified by calling pointExists() first. Parameters ---------- key : str or int generic key[str] or callCounter[int] Returns ------- dict The value corresponding to `key` is returned. If the key is not found, `None` is returned instead. """ if isinstance(key, int): key = str(key) try: return self.db[key] except KeyError: return None
def _searchCallCounter(self, x): """ Searches through existing callCounters, and finds the one corresponding to an evaluation at the design vector `x`. returns `None` if the point did not match previous evaluations Parameters ---------- x : ndarray The unscaled DV as a single array. Returns ------- int The callCounter corresponding to the DV `x`. `None` is returned if no match was found. Notes ----- The tolerance used for this is the value `numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).eps`. """ last = int(self.db["last"]) callCounter = None for i in range(last, 0, -1): key = str(i) xuser = self.optProb.processXtoVec(self.db[key]["xuser"]) if np.isclose(xuser, x, atol=EPS, rtol=EPS).all() and "funcs" in self.db[key].keys(): callCounter = i break return callCounter def _processDB(self): """ Pre-processes the DB file and store various values into class attributes. These will be used later when calling self.getXX functions. """ # Load any keys it happens to have: self.keys = list(self.db.keys()) # load info self.DVInfo ="varInfo") self.conInfo ="conInfo") self.objInfo ="objInfo") # metadata self.metadata ="metadata") self.optProb ="optProb") # load names self.DVNames = set(self.getDVNames()) self.conNames = set(self.getConNames()) self.objNames = set(self.getObjNames()) # extract list of callCounters from self.keys # this just checks if each key contains only digits, then cast into int self.callCounters = sorted([x for x in self.keys if x.isdigit()], key=float) # extract all information stored in the call counters self.iterKeys = set() self.extraFuncsNames = set() for i in self.callCounters: val = self.iterKeys.update(val.keys()) if "funcs" in val.keys(): self.extraFuncsNames.update(val["funcs"].keys()) # remove objective and constraint keys self.extraFuncsNames = self.extraFuncsNames.difference(self.conNames).difference(self.objNames) from .__init__ import __version__ # isort: skip if self.metadata["version"] != __version__: pyOptSparseWarning( "The version of pyoptsparse used to generate the history file does not match the one being run right now. There may be compatibility issues." )
[docs] def getIterKeys(self): """ Returns the keys available at each optimization iteration. This function is useful for inspecting the history file, to determine what information is saved at each iteration. Returns ------- list of str A list containing the names of keys stored at each optimization iteration. """ return copy.deepcopy(list(self.iterKeys))
[docs] def getDVNames(self): """ Returns the names of the DVs. Returns ------- list of str A list containing the names of DVs. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return return copy.deepcopy(list(self.DVInfo.keys()))
[docs] def getConNames(self): """ Returns the names of constraints. Returns ------- list of str A list containing the names of constraints. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return # we remove linear constraints conNames = [con for con in self.conInfo.keys() if not self.optProb.constraints[con].linear] return copy.deepcopy(conNames)
[docs] def getObjNames(self): """ Returns the names of the objectives. Returns ------- list of str A list containing the names of objectives. Notes ----- Recall that for the sake of generality, pyOptSparse allows for multiple objectives to be added. This feature is not used currently, but does make `ObjNames` follow the same structure as `ConNames` and `DVNames`. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return return copy.deepcopy(list(self.objInfo.keys()))
[docs] def getExtraFuncsNames(self): """ Returns extra funcs names. These are extra key: value pairs stored in the ``funcs`` dictionary for each iteration, which are not used by the optimizer. Returns ------- list of str A list containing the names of extra funcs keys. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return return copy.deepcopy(list(self.extraFuncsNames))
[docs] def getObjInfo(self, key=None): """ Returns the `ObjInfo`, for all keys by default. A `key` parameter can also be supplied, to retrieve `ObjInfo` corresponding to specific keys. Parameters ---------- key : str or list of str, optional Specifies for which obj to extract `ObjInfo`. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing ObjInfo. For a single key, the return is one level deeper. Notes ----- Recall that for the sake of generality, pyOptSparse allows for multiple objectives to be added. This feature is not used currently, but does make `ObjInfo` follow the same structure as `ConInfo` and `DVInfo`. Because of this, it is recommended that this function be accessed using the optional `key` argument. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return if key is not None: if isinstance(key, str): return copy.deepcopy(self.objInfo[key]) elif isinstance(key, list): d = OrderedDict() for k in key: d[k] = self.objInfo[k] return d else: return copy.deepcopy(self.objInfo)
[docs] def getConInfo(self, key=None): """ Returns the `ConInfo`, for all keys by default. A `key` parameter can also be supplied, to retrieve `ConInfo` corresponding to specific constraints. Parameters ---------- key : str or list of str, optional Specifies for which constraint to extract `ConInfo`. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing ConInfo. For a single key, the return is one level deeper. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return if key is not None: if isinstance(key, str): return copy.deepcopy(self.conInfo[key]) elif isinstance(key, list): d = OrderedDict() for k in key: d[k] = self.conInfo[k] return d else: return copy.deepcopy(self.conInfo)
[docs] def getDVInfo(self, key=None): """ Returns the `DVInfo`, for all keys by default. A `key` parameter can also be supplied, to retrieve `DVInfo` corresponding to specific DVs. Parameters ---------- key : str or list of str, optional Specifies for which DV to extract `DVInfo`. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing DVInfo. For a single key, the return is one level deeper. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return if key is not None: if isinstance(key, str): return copy.deepcopy(self.DVInfo[key]) elif isinstance(key, list): d = OrderedDict() for k in key: d[k] = self.DVInfo[k] return d else: return copy.deepcopy(self.DVInfo)
[docs] def getMetadata(self): """ Returns a copy of the metadata stored in the history file. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the metadata. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return return copy.deepcopy(self.metadata)
[docs] def getOptProb(self): """ Returns a copy of the optProb associated with the optimization. Returns ------- optProb : pyOpt_optimization object The optProb associated with the optimization. This is taken from the history file, and therefore has the ``comm`` and ``objFun`` fields removed. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return return copy.deepcopy(self.optProb)
def _processIterDict(self, d, scale=False): """ This function scales the value, where the factor is extracted from the `Info` dictionaries, according to "name" Parameters ---------- d : dictionary The iteration dictionary, i.e. hist['0'] This must be a function evaluation callCounter, and not a gradient callCounter. scale : bool Whether the returned values should be scaled. Returns ------- conDict : dict A dictionary containing constraint values objDict : dict A dictionary containing objective values DVDict : dict A dictionary containing DV values These are all "flat" dictionaries, with simple key:value pairs. """ conDict = {} objDict = {} # these require funcs which may not always be there if "funcs" in d.keys(): for con in list(self.optProb.constraints.keys()): # linear constraints are not stored in funcs if not self.optProb.constraints[con].linear: conDict[con] = d["funcs"][con] else: # the linear constraints are removed from optProb so that scaling works # without needing the linear constraints to be present self.optProb.constraints.pop(con) for obj in self.objNames: objDict[obj] = d["funcs"][obj] # the DVs will always be there DVDict = {} for DV in self.DVNames: DVDict[DV] = d["xuser"][DV] if scale: conDict = self.optProb._mapContoOpt_Dict(conDict) objDict = self.optProb._mapObjtoOpt_Dict(objDict) DVDict = self.optProb._mapXtoOpt_Dict(DVDict) return conDict, objDict, DVDict
[docs] def getCallCounters(self): """ Returns a list of all call counters stored in the history file. Returns ------- list a list of strings, each entry being a call counter. """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return return copy.deepcopy(self.callCounters)
[docs] def getValues(self, names=None, callCounters=None, major=True, scale=False, stack=False, allowSens=False): """ Parses an existing history file and returns a data dictionary used to post-process optimization results, containing the requested optimization iteration history. Parameters ---------- names : list or str the values of interest, can be the name of any DV, objective or constraint, or a list of them. If None, all values are returned. This includes the DVs, funcs, and any values stored by the optimizer. callCounters : list of ints, can also contain 'last' a list of callCounters to extract information from. If the callCounter is invalid, i.e. outside the range or is a funcsSens evaluation, then it is skipped. 'last' represents the last major iteration. If None, values from all callCounters are returned. major : bool flag to specify whether to include only major iterations. scale : bool flag to specify whether to apply scaling for the values. True means to return values that are scaled the same way as the actual optimization. stack : bool flag to specify whether the DV should be stacked into a single numpy array with the key `xuser`, or retain their separate DVGroups. allowSens: bool flag to specify whether gradient evaluation iterations are allowed. If true, it is up to the user to ensure that the callCounters specified contain the information requested. Returns ------- dict a dictionary containing the information requested. The keys of the dictionary correspond to the `names` requested. Each value is a numpy array with the first dimension equal to the number of callCounters requested. Notes ----- Regardless of the major flag, failed function evaluations are not returned. Examples -------- First we can request DV history over all major iterations: >>> hist.getValues(names='xvars', major=True) {'xvars': array([[-2.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00], [-1.00000000e+00, 9.00000000e-01], [-5.00305827e-17, 4.21052632e-01], [ 1.73666171e-06, 4.21049838e-01], [ 9.08477459e-06, 4.21045261e-01], [ 5.00000000e-01, 2.84786405e-01], [ 5.00000000e-01, 5.57279939e-01], [ 5.00000000e-01, 2.00000000e+00]])} Next we can look at DV and optimality for the first and last iteration only: >>> hist.getValues(names=['xvars','optimality'],callCounters=[0,'last']) {'optimality': array([1.27895528, 0. ]), 'xvars': array([[-2. , 1. ], [ 0.5, 2. ]])} """ # only do this if we open the file with 'r' flag if self.flag != "r": return allNames = ( self.DVNames.union(self.conNames) .union(self.objNames) .union(self.iterKeys) .union(self.extraFuncsNames) .difference({"funcs", "funcsSens", "xuser"}) ) # cast string input into a single list if isinstance(names, str): names = {names} elif names is None: names = allNames else: names = set(names) if stack: allNames.add("xuser") # error if names isn't either a DV, con or obj if not names.issubset(allNames): raise Error( "The names provided are not one of DVNames, conNames or objNames.\n" + f"The names must be a subset of {allNames}" ) DVsAsFuncs = self.DVNames.intersection(self.conNames) if len(DVsAsFuncs) > 0: ambiguousNames = names.intersection(DVsAsFuncs) if len(ambiguousNames) > 0: pyOptSparseWarning( f"The names provided {ambiguousNames} is ambiguous, since it is both a DV as well as an objective/constraint. " + "It is being assumed to be a DV. If it was set up via addDVsAsFunctions, then there's nothing to worry. " + "Otherwise, consider renaming the variable or manually editing the history file." ) if len(names.intersection(self.iterKeys)) > 0: if not major: pyOptSparseWarning( "The major flag has been set to True, since some names specified only exist on major iterations." ) major = True if stack: DVinNames = names.intersection(self.DVNames) for DV in DVinNames: names.remove(DV) names.add("xuser") pyOptSparseWarning( "The stack flag was set to True. Therefore all DV names have been removed, and replaced with a single key 'xuser'." ) # set up dictionary to return data = {} # pre-allocate list for each input for name in names: data[name] = [] # this flag is used for error printing only user_specified_callCounter = False if callCounters is not None: user_specified_callCounter = True if isinstance(callCounters, str): callCounters = [callCounters] else: callCounters = self.callCounters # parse the 'last' callCounter if "last" in callCounters: callCounters.append("last")) callCounters.remove("last") self._previousIterCounter = -1 # loop over call counters, check if each counter is valid, and parse for i in callCounters: val = self._readValidCallCounter(i, user_specified_callCounter, allowSens, major) if val is not None: # if i is valid conDict, objDict, DVDict = self._processIterDict(val, scale=scale) for name in names: if name == "xuser": data[name].append(self.optProb.processXtoVec(DVDict)) elif name in self.DVNames: data[name].append(DVDict[name]) elif name in self.conNames: data[name].append(conDict[name]) elif name in self.objNames: data[name].append(objDict[name]) elif name in self.extraFuncsNames: data[name].append(val["funcs"][name]) else: # must be opt data[name].append(val[name]) # reshape lists into numpy arrays for name in names: # we just stack along axis 0 if len(data[name]) > 0: data[name] = np.stack(data[name], axis=0) else: data[name] = np.array(data[name]) # we cast 1D arrays to 2D, for scalar values if data[name].ndim == 1: data[name] = np.expand_dims(data[name], 1) # Raise warning for IPOPT's duplicated history if self.db["metadata"]["optimizer"] == "IPOPT" and "iter" not in self.db["0"].keys(): pyOptSparseWarning( "The optimization history of IPOPT has duplicated entries at every iteration. " + "Fix the history manually, or re-run the optimization with a current version of pyOptSparse to generate a correct history file. " ) return data
def _readValidCallCounter(self, i, user_specified_callCounter, allowSens, major): """ Checks whether a call counter is valid and read the data. The call counter is valid when it is 1) inside the range of the history data, 2) a function evaluation (i.e. not a sensitivity evaluation, except when `allowSens = True`), 3) not a duplicated entry, 4) not a failed function evaluation, 5) a major iteration (only when `major = True`). Parameters ---------- i : int call counter. user_specified_callCounter : bool flag to specify whether the call counter `i` is requested by a user or not. allowSens: bool flag to specify whether gradient evaluation iterations are allowed. major : bool flag to specify whether to include only major iterations. Returns ------- val : dict or None information corresponding to the call counter `i`. If the call counter is not valid, `None` is returned instead. """ if not self.pointExists(i): if user_specified_callCounter: # user specified a non-existent call counter pyOptSparseWarning(f"callCounter {i} was not found and is skipped!") return None else: val = # check if the callCounter is of a function call if not ("funcs" in val.keys() or allowSens): if user_specified_callCounter: # user unintentionally specified a call counter for sensitivity pyOptSparseWarning( f"callCounter {i} did not contain a function evaluation and is skipped! " + "Was it a gradient evaluation step?" ) return None else: # exclude the duplicated history (only when we have "iter" recorded) if "iter" in val.keys(): duplicate_flag = val["iter"] == self._previousIterCounter self._previousIterCounter = val["iter"] # update iterCounter for next i if duplicate_flag and not user_specified_callCounter: # this is a duplicate return None # end if "iter" in val.keys() # check major/minor iteration, and if the call failed if ((major and val["isMajor"]) or not major) and not val["fail"]: return val else: return None # end if - ("funcs" in val.keys() # end if - pointExists def __del__(self): try: self.db.close() if self.temp: os.remove(self.fileName) except Exception: pass