pyALPSO - A pyOptSparse interface to ALPSO
work with sparse optimization problems.
# Standard Python modules
import datetime
import time
# External modules
import numpy as np
# Local modules
from . import alpso
from ..pyOpt_error import Error
from ..pyOpt_optimizer import Optimizer
# isort: off
class ALPSO(Optimizer):
ALPSO Optimizer Class - Inherited from Optimizer Abstract Class
*Keyword arguments:**
- pll_type -> STR: ALPSO Parallel Implementation (None, SPM- Static, DPM- Dynamic, POA-Parallel Analysis), *Default* = None
def __init__(self, options={}):
self.alpso = alpso
category = "Global Optimizer"
defOpts = self._getDefaultOptions()
informs = self._getInforms()
super().__init__("ALPSO", category, defaultOptions=defOpts, informs=informs, options=options)
def _getInforms():
informs = {}
return informs
def _getDefaultOptions():
defOpts = {
"SwarmSize": [int, 40],
"maxOuterIter": [int, 200],
"maxInnerIter": [int, 6],
"minInnerIter": [int, 6],
"dynInnerIter": [int, 0],
"stopCriteria": [int, 1],
"stopIters": [int, 5],
"etol": [float, 1e-3],
"itol": [float, 1e-3],
# 'ltol':[float, 1e-2],
"rtol": [float, 1e-2],
"atol": [float, 1e-2],
"dtol": [float, 1e-1],
"printOuterIters": [int, 0],
"printInnerIters": [int, 0],
"rinit": [float, 1.0],
"xinit": [int, 0],
"vinit": [float, 1.0],
"vmax": [float, 2.0],
"c1": [float, 2.0],
"c2": [float, 1.0],
"w1": [float, 0.99],
"w2": [float, 0.55],
"ns": [int, 15],
"nf": [int, 5],
"dt": [float, 1.0],
"vcrazy": [float, 1e-4],
"fileout": [int, 1],
"filename": [str, "ALPSO.out"],
"seed": [int, 0],
"HoodSize": [int, 40],
"HoodModel": [str, "gbest"],
"HoodSelf": [int, 1],
"Scaling": [int, 1],
"parallelType": [str, [None, "EXT"]],
return defOpts
def __call__(self, optProb, storeHistory=None, hotStart=None, **kwargs):
This is the main routine used to solve the optimization
optProb : Optimization or Solution class instance
This is the complete description of the optimization problem
to be solved by the optimizer
storeHistory : str
File name of the history file into which the history of
this optimization will be stored
hotStart : str
File name of the history file to "replay" for the
optimization. The optimization problem used to generate
the history file specified in 'hotStart' must be
**IDENTICAL** to the currently supplied 'optProb'. By
IDENTICAL**. As soon as he requested evaluation point
from ALPSO does not match the history and function
evaluations revert back to normal evaluations.
The kwargs are there such that the sens= argument can be
supplied (but ignored here in alpso)
self.startTime = time.time()
# ======================================================================
# ALPSO - Objective/Constraint Values Function
# ======================================================================
def objconfunc(x):
fobj, fcon, fail = self._masterFunc(x, ["fobj", "fcon"])
return fobj, fcon
# Save the optimization problem and finalize constraint
# Jacobian, in general can only do on root proc
self.optProb = optProb
# Set history/hotstart/coldstart
self._setHistory(storeHistory, hotStart)
if len(optProb.constraints) == 0:
self.unconstrained = True
xl, xu, xs = self._assembleContinuousVariables()
xs = np.maximum(xs, xl)
xs = np.minimum(xs, xu)
n = len(xs)
types = [0] * len(xs)
oneSided = True
if self.unconstrained:
m = 0
me = 0
indices, blc, buc, fact = self.optProb.getOrdering(
["ne", "le", "ni", "li"], oneSided=oneSided, noEquality=False
m = len(indices)
self.optProb.jacIndices = indices
self.optProb.fact = fact
self.optProb.offset = buc
indices, __, __, __ = self.optProb.getOrdering(["ne", "le"], oneSided=oneSided, noEquality=False)
me = len(indices)
if self.optProb.comm.rank == 0:
# Setup argument list values
opt = self.getOption
dyniI = self.getOption("dynInnerIter")
if dyniI == 0:
self.setOption("minInnerIter", opt("maxInnerIter"))
if opt("stopCriteria") not in [0, 1]:
raise Error("Incorrect Stopping Criteria Setting")
if opt("fileout") not in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
raise Error("Incorrect fileout Setting")
t0 = time.time()
# fmt: off
opt_x, opt_f, opt_g, opt_lambda, nfevals, rseed = self.alpso.alpso(
n, m, me, types, xs, xl, xu, opt('SwarmSize'), opt('HoodSize'),
opt('HoodModel'), opt('maxOuterIter'), opt('maxInnerIter'),
opt('minInnerIter'), opt('stopCriteria'), opt('stopIters'),
opt('etol'), opt('itol'), opt('rtol'), opt('atol'), opt('dtol'),
opt('printOuterIters'), opt('printInnerIters'), opt('rinit'),
opt('vinit'), opt('vmax'), opt('c1'), opt('c2'), opt('w1'),
opt('w2'), opt('ns'), opt('nf'), opt('vcrazy'), opt('fileout'),
opt('filename'), None, None, opt('seed'),
opt('Scaling'), opt('HoodSelf'), objconfunc)
# fmt: on
optTime = time.time() - t0
if self.storeHistory:
self.metadata["endTime"] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
self.metadata["optTime"] = optTime
self.hist.writeData("metadata", self.metadata)
# Broadcast a -1 to indcate NSGA2 has finished
self.optProb.comm.bcast(-1, root=0)
# Store Results
sol_inform = {"value": "", "text": ""}
# Create the optimization solution
sol = self._createSolution(optTime, sol_inform, opt_f, opt_x)
else: # We are not on the root process so go into waiting loop:
sol = None
# Communication solution and return
sol = self._communicateSolution(sol)
return sol
def _on_setOption(self, name, value):
if name == "parallelType":
if isinstance(value, str) and value.upper() == "EXT":
from . import alpso_ext
self.alpso = alpso_ext
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("pyALPSO: ALPSO EXT shared library failed to import.")
def _communicateSolution(self, sol):
if sol is not None:
sol.userObjCalls = self.optProb.comm.allreduce(sol.userObjCalls)
sol.comm = None
sol = self.optProb.comm.bcast(sol)
sol.objFun = self.optProb.objFun
sol.comm = self.optProb.comm
return sol