Source code for pyoptsparse.pyALPSO.pyALPSO

# /bin/env python
pyALPSO - A pyOptSparse interface to ALPSO
work with sparse optimization problems.
# =============================================================================
# Standard Python modules
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import time

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# External Python modules
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import numpy as np

# ===========================================================================
# Extension modules
# ===========================================================================
from ..pyOpt_optimizer import Optimizer
from ..pyOpt_error import Error

# =============================================================================
# ALPSO Optimizer Class
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[docs]class ALPSO(Optimizer): """ ALPSO Optimizer Class - Inherited from Optimizer Abstract Class *Keyword arguments:** - pll_type -> STR: ALPSO Parallel Implementation (None, SPM- Static, DPM- Dynamic, POA-Parallel Analysis), *Default* = None """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from . import alpso self.alpso = alpso category = "Global Optimizer" defOpts = { "SwarmSize": [int, 40], # Number of Particles (Depends on Problem dimensions) "maxOuterIter": [int, 200], # Maximum Number of Outer Loop Iterations (Major Iterations) "maxInnerIter": [int, 6], # Maximum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Minor Iterations) "minInnerIter": [int, 6], # Minimum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Dynamic Inner Iterations) "dynInnerIter": [int, 0], # Dynamic Number of Inner Iterations Flag "stopCriteria": [int, 1], # Stopping Criteria Flag (0 - maxIters, 1 - convergence) "stopIters": [int, 5], # Consecutive Number of Iterations for which the Stopping Criteria must be Satisfied "etol": [float, 1e-3], # Absolute Tolerance for Equality constraints "itol": [float, 1e-3], # Absolute Tolerance for Inequality constraints # 'ltol':[float, 1e-2], # Absolute Tolerance for Lagrange Multipliers "rtol": [float, 1e-2], # Relative Tolerance for Lagrange Multipliers "atol": [float, 1e-2], # Absolute Tolerance for Lagrange Function "dtol": [float, 1e-1], # Relative Tolerance in Distance of All Particles to Terminate (GCPSO) "printOuterIters": [int, 0], # Number of Iterations Before Print Outer Loop Information "printInnerIters": [int, 0], # Number of Iterations Before Print Inner Loop Information "rinit": [float, 1.0], # Initial Penalty Factor "xinit": [int, 0], # Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given) "vinit": [float, 1.0], # Initial Velocity of Particles in Normalized [-1, 1] Design Space "vmax": [float, 2.0], # Maximum Velocity of Particles in Normalized [-1, 1] Design Space "c1": [float, 2.0], # Cognitive Parameter "c2": [float, 1.0], # Social Parameter "w1": [float, 0.99], # Initial Inertia Weight "w2": [float, 0.55], # Final Inertia Weight "ns": [ int, 15, ], # Number of Consecutive Successes in Finding New Best Position of Best Particle Before Search Radius will be Increased (GCPSO) "nf": [ int, 5, ], # Number of Consecutive Failures in Finding New Best Position of Best Particle Before Search Radius will be Increased (GCPSO) "dt": [float, 1.0], # Time step "vcrazy": [ float, 1e-4, ], # Craziness Velocity (Added to Particle Velocity After Updating the Penalty Factors and Langangian Multipliers) "fileout": [int, 1], # Flag to Turn On Output to filename "filename": [ str, "ALPSO.out", ], # We could probably remove fileout flag if filename or fileinstance is given "seed": [float, 0], # Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock) "HoodSize": [int, 40], # Number of Neighbours of Each Particle "HoodModel": [ str, "gbest", ], # Neighbourhood Model (dl/slring - Double/Single Link Ring, wheel - Wheel, Spatial - based on spatial distance, sfrac - Spatial Fraction) "HoodSelf": [ int, 1, ], # Selfless Neighbourhood Model (0 - Include Particle i in NH i, 1 - Don't Include Particle i) "Scaling": [int, 1], # Design Variables Scaling Flag (0 - no scaling, 1 - scaling between [-1, 1]) "parallelType": [str, ""], # Type of parallelization ('' or 'EXT') } informs = {} Optimizer.__init__(self, "ALPSO", category, defOpts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, optProb, storeHistory=None, **kwargs): """ This is the main routine used to solve the optimization problem. Parameters ---------- optProb : Optimization or Solution class instance This is the complete description of the optimization problem to be solved by the optimizer storeHistory : str File name of the history file into which the history of this optimization will be stored Notes ----- The kwargs are there such that the sens= argument can be supplied (but ignored here in alpso) """ # ====================================================================== # ALPSO - Objective/Constraint Values Function # ====================================================================== def objconfunc(x): fobj, fcon, fail = self._masterFunc(x, ["fobj", "fcon"]) return fobj, fcon # Save the optimization problem and finalize constraint # jacobian, in general can only do on root proc self.optProb = optProb self.optProb.finalizeDesignVariables() self.optProb.finalizeConstraints() self._setInitialCacheValues() if len(optProb.constraints) == 0: self.unconstrained = True xl, xu, xs = self._assembleContinuousVariables() xs = np.maximum(xs, xl) xs = np.minimum(xs, xu) n = len(xs) types = [0] * len(xs) oneSided = True if self.unconstrained: m = 0 me = 0 else: indices, blc, buc, fact = self.optProb.getOrdering( ["ne", "le", "ni", "li"], oneSided=oneSided, noEquality=False ) m = len(indices) self.optProb.jacIndices = indices self.optProb.fact = fact self.optProb.offset = buc indices, __, __, __ = self.optProb.getOrdering(["ne", "le"], oneSided=oneSided, noEquality=False) me = len(indices) if self.optProb.comm.rank == 0: # Set history/hotstart/coldstart self._setHistory(storeHistory, None) # Setup argument list values opt = self.getOption dyniI = self.getOption("dynInnerIter") if dyniI == 0: self.setOption("minInnerIter", opt("maxInnerIter")) if not opt("stopCriteria") in [0, 1]: raise Error("Incorrect Stopping Criteria Setting") if opt("fileout") not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise Error("Incorrect fileout Setting") if opt("seed") == 0: self.setOption("seed", time.time()) # Run ALPSO t0 = time.time() # fmt: off opt_x, opt_f, opt_g, opt_lambda, nfevals, rseed = self.alpso.alpso( n, m, me, types, xs, xl, xu, opt('SwarmSize'), opt('HoodSize'), opt('HoodModel'), opt('maxOuterIter'), opt('maxInnerIter'), opt('minInnerIter'), opt('stopCriteria'), opt('stopIters'), opt('etol'), opt('itol'), opt('rtol'), opt('atol'), opt('dtol'), opt('printOuterIters'), opt('printInnerIters'), opt('rinit'), opt('vinit'), opt('vmax'), opt('c1'), opt('c2'), opt('w1'), opt('w2'), opt('ns'), opt('nf'), opt('vcrazy'), opt('fileout'), opt('filename'), None, None, opt('seed'), opt('Scaling'), opt('HoodSelf'), objconfunc) # fmt: on optTime = time.time() - t0 # Broadcast a -1 to indcate NSGA2 has finished self.optProb.comm.bcast(-1, root=0) # Store Results sol_inform = {} # sol_inform['value'] = inform # sol_inform['text'] = self.informs[inform[0]] # Create the optimization solution sol = self._createSolution(optTime, sol_inform, opt_f, opt_x) for key in sol.objectives.keys(): sol.objectives[key].value = opt_f else: # We are not on the root process so go into waiting loop: self._waitLoop() sol = None # Communication solution and return sol = self._communicateSolution(sol) return sol
def _on_setOption(self, name, value): if name == "parallelType": value = value.upper() if value == "EXT": try: from . import alpso_ext self.alpso = alpso_ext except ImportError: raise ImportError("pyALPSO: ALPSO EXT shared library failed to import.") else: raise ValueError("parallel_type must be either '' or 'EXT'.") def _on_getOption(self, name, value): pass def _communicateSolution(self, sol): if sol is not None: sol.userObjCalls = self.optProb.comm.allreduce(sol.userObjCalls) sol.comm = None sol = self.optProb.comm.bcast(sol) sol.objFun = self.optProb.objFun sol.comm = self.optProb.comm return sol